Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Taboo is CRAZY!

Watching just 2 episodes of NatGeo's Taboo was enough to reassure the need for cultural acceptance. Some people believe in eatting fluorescent lightbulbs coated in mercury, while others volunteer to be envoked, or at least entranced, by foreign spirits. Some cultures go to Kelsey Seybold Clinic, while others slit a goats throat and visit the witch doctor.

The problem is not necessarily WHAT another culture does, but rather how it is judged by the rest of us. Who's to say that someone putting their life on the line for a moment to test their faith, or preserve their heritage, in a way that appears dangerous or illogical is any better or worse than someone who damages themselves slowly over time by social acceptable mediums (i.e. mcdonald's, marborough, budwieser)?

Respect people you don't understand, until you decide to take the time to understand them.

Monday, March 21, 2011

more on the name "Cultural Instincts"

After rereading the "About" page at CulturalInstincts.com, it became clear that something was missing... The "Anthropology" behind this experiement. Cultural Instincts is more than just a blog with cool videos and eye-catching art. Its about changing the way people view art. So many people now days are viewing art as if they are unimpressed- as if they've seen everything worth seeing, or as if everything is "doable" and is therefore not worthy of special praise. People often over look the drive that people have to do what they do. People do not consider the torture that an idea can bring. Art is something that is often "squished" out of people. They become so obsessed with an idea, a vision, a dream, that they have to bring it to life. People also disregard the effort that people often exert in order to make this happen. People do not applaud things that they cannot understand, or things that they cant relate to, or things that maybe, just maybe if they themselves got off their lazy asses, could actually do themselves.
Comedian Nick Swardson made a similar argument in his stand-up act, recorded in Austin, TX. He expressed his irritation with people being calloused to modern day movies. Basically, he was saying that if Charlie Chaplin saw Avatar his head would explode, although that is not the examples he used. The same can be said about music, art, and fashion. People don't appreciate things that are just slightly new, or slighty different. If it isn't life changing, to them, it's crap.
This is where the "integration" mentioned on Cultural Instincts comes into play. People need to be exposed to more and more art, from more and more people, from more and more places. Not only to they need to basque in the wonder of people's perserverance, but they need to try for the moment to put themselves in the shoes, or the mind rather, of an artist. They need to understand that we are all different. They need to respect that.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

10 Musicians Whose Stock Rose After Death - CNBC

10 Musicians Whose Stock Rose After Death - CNBC

And number 10 issssssssss... BIGGIE SMALLS!

Sorry West Side.. no Pac on this list. But this appears to be on an "album" base, rather than "total stock." Obviously 2pac is on his way to some sort of after-death-record-record but thats just not what this article is about. The list features John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Janis Joplin, and others.

The 16 Top Medical Marijuana Strains - CNBC

The 16 Top Medical Marijuana Strains - CNBC

Those of you who are fortunate to live in places where medical marijuana is accepted may enjoy this article... while the rest of us will be salivating.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Warhol Painting Stolen!

In New York, someone tunneled into a home and stole an Andy Warhol Superman painting.

a tunnel?? WTF?

did they check Tom Hanks & the Ladykillers?

see it on the CulturalInstincts newsvine

Egypt's Communication

In recent reports it has been mentioned that internet and cell phone communications were suspended in Egypt, due to rebellious correspondence. This is troubling for many reasons. First of all, that scenario pins the people against "the" government. Regardless of which "side" of an arguement you are on, when your freedoms are taken away you are going to resent the hand that took them..Secondly, it seems as if this could very easily provoke more chaos. When people feel as if they are at war, they will act like they are at war.

Also, there have been comments implying that this could not happen in the U.S.

LOL, that is the kind of naivity that people prey on.

Monday, January 24, 2011

An Experiment in Expression, Inspiration, & Integration

CulturalInstincts.com is an online collection of music, art, videos, fashion, and much more. Check it out!